Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hello October.

Happy October everyone! I prefer November, but judging by Facebook statuses I seem terribly outnumbered. I have some news: I got a job!!!! Finally. With the turn of a new month, I most certainly thought I was doomed to never find a job I could be proud of in Erie. However, I am going to begin working for the public safety department as a telecommunicator. I have plenty of emotions with the main one being relief of actually obtaining some solid income, and also excitement. Furthermore, nervousness because it's going to be a difficult job however I am welcoming the endeavor because I cannot take much more of these never ending days off. Sounds like a blessing, but it isn't when you feel like there's something you should be doing because your able bodied and qualified. Sidenote: if I were to not find a job by the end of this week I'd have been a trainwreck at the same time I'm due to be PMSing so yeah just say thank you to the job gods because I'd be far from pleasant company.

I have also started taking kickboxing recently, and it's awesome but quite painful. I have been consistently sore for two days following every class; in parts of my body I didn't even know could become sore. I started taking it with my friend Diana, and I am hoping it helps with my upper body strength and, well, my strength overall. Because I'm not that strong. Yet.

ALSO- I recently tried "Rent the Runway" for the first time and I totally recommend it. I needed a dress for Rock Erie because Connor's band was nominated again this year, so I ordered a dress and it came two days before Rock Erie and I had to mail it back the day after the event. Thank God it fit properly (they send you two of the same dress of sizes of your choice) and thank God I didn't spill on it or massively rip it. Seriously though, a $600 dress and you get to wear it for less than 1/6 of the price? Yes, please.


Monday, September 23, 2013

That's Just How Her Body Looks Under a Blanket

I love my family but I need to move out. And I need a job to do that. And I don't really have one yet. I am actively searching. My sister and I hate each other and we love each other. Our relationship itself is bi-polar. We will be best friends, decide to go on a run together, and half way through the run she will run in the opposite direction because she cannot stand me anymore, or I her. It's almost humorous from an objective standpoint. Actually it's funny from my perspective too, except when I'm in the moment and I realize I'm now running by myself without music. And it's nice having two closets, except mine gets updated far more often than hers does, and she can squeeze her feet into my 8 1/2 size shoes while it doesn't work out well for me to wear a size too big. Regardless, I love her and her big ass feet. I still want my own place. She even told me today she doesn't want me living at home anymore. Gee, thanks darling.

I also can't watch movies when my dad is in the house without feeling really uncomfortable. No matter what genre of movie I rent there is automatically going to be a sex scene or profuse cursing and vulgarity occurring when he's walking through the living room. It's not that he yells at me when this stuff happens but I'd rather just spare us the cringing and overall awkwardness while being together to witness it. Today I watched "Away We Go", along with like five other movies because I'm deathly ill with a stuffy nose and itchy eyes, and I thought I was safe for at least a few scenes. But no, never can I be so lucky. The first scene is John Krasinski going down on Maya Rudolph, moans and all. Superb. I pause the movie as Dad is walking into the living room, hoping he doesn't notice Rudolph laying under a blanket with a big bump of a human around her waist area. He sits down joining me while I casually skip to the next scene and try to make sense of what's going on having skipped the first five opening minutes.

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Wrecking Ball of a Post-Grad

So you'd think because I don't have a full time job or anything I'd have a lot more time to write. I do have a lot more time but not exactly much substance to write about. I did watch Miley Cyrus' new pornography stunt, I mean music video. That was entertaining and really weird. Connor and I got into a really in depth conversation about whether or not her recent decisions are a successful career move. And when I realized we actually had a legitimate conversation about it I decided I needed to learn more about real important current events. That being said, I now know more about the conflict in Syria then I ever thought I would. Google News is awesome.

I also spent this past Friday deciding I wanted to go to grad school. That's a pretty big decision, and I know enough about myself to know that decision wasn't going to last. And I'm only considering it now because I'm in between jobs and thinking I need to make some huge decision now to fix things. Which is like impossible. My mind will settle down once I get some type of steady income. I wouldn't call babysitting steady, but it is good money. Furthermore, if my parents make one more "joke" about how little I'd make selling my body if I get desperate I'm going to lose it.

And how do people even pick what to study in graduate school? Like that's at least two more years and after that a definite career path is created. What if I don't want to do that and I've just created a massive amount of student debt for a job I don't even want to work??? I don't understand this process of making life choices in advance. Shoot.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fish for Dinner

"Vegetarian Inmate Says He Was Told Fish Isn't Meat"

So there are a few things I find questionable about this news story. Number one. Fish is meat, in my opinion. Another thing is that I believe everyone is entitled to eat what they want, when they want (within reason, those bath salt crazy face eating people is simply vile). I'm a vegetarian but if I want to eat salmon one night to shape up my omega intake then so be it. I will do just that. It's unlikely I will but the fact is that I can. If you want to get technical then my vegetarianism would change to make me a pescatarian. BUT WHO NEEDS LABELS ANYWAY? Yeah right, our society eats labels up for breakfast. That's a different story though.
This man, whose yellin' about getting served fish in prison when all he wants is some good old fashion fruits, veggies, whole grains and starch, expects to get special treatment for his diet? Hells no. You're in prison. It's not even like you have a health condition, which would make his request far more reasonable. The fact that the prison administration or cook or whatever even work around your desire to not eat meat is kind of a shocker to me. I understand it's important for them to respect his religious beliefs of "practicing" Buddhism, but come on, he's in prison for twenty years due to sexual assault, which isn't exactly practicing Buddhism either.

Furthermore;; Just some pictures from a day in the life of an ACTIVELY SEEKING unemployed young adult.
Blackout curtains: When sleep time can be anytime.

Vincent: The only family member who is getting more sleep than me.

Tub of Cookie Dough: In case things get really bad.